How to get ready for cross fit competition?

Cross fit frenzy is fully on no matter you like it or not. There are so many special things such as equipment, clothing, special boutique clubs, social media groups devoted to this subject - I am not able to name them here or count.

How to get ready for cross fit competition?

Cross fit frenzy is fully on no matter you like it or not. There are so many special things such as equipment, clothing, special boutique clubs, social media groups devoted to this subject - I am not able to name them here or count. If you want to develop this section in your health club or just invest in it you have to become an expert. Otherwise, your competition will beat you and then it will be much harder for you to build a proper brand image of your fitness business.

When you think cross fit one of the first associations is the challenge. And this is so true! Not only is this type of training solely build on an idea to challenge yourself continuously but also to fight for better results. This is why you should make sure your cross-fit classes and trainers can prepare members for cross-fit competitions well. Not everyone is eager to take part in such an event has to be a super pro, but there should be knowledge and a base to prepare such a person for an upcoming challenge.

As with anything else you have to start with a plan. Training planning also referred to as programming, is a step-by-step process that brings together a multi-faceted analysis of a member and his/her sports discipline thus creating a specific training plan. It is then implemented and controlled during a training unit. The training planning should consist of two parts:

1. Theoretical stage

2. Practical step

In the theoretical stage, you should be able to analyze an athlete’s body in terms of training, fitness, fitness, leading motor skills and sports skills. On that basis, it will be possible to determine goals, the direction in which to follow. As a gym owner or manager, you should definitely think of investing money in proper devices to enable such analysis. Without it, some people and trainers will lose time and make preparation mistakes. Knowing the goal and the diagnosis of the body there are only control methods to be defined in order to monitor the effects of training and make any modifications to the training plan.

When referring to the second component of the training programming - the practical stage, the simplest thing to say is that it is just training. Like everything, yes, the training needs to be checked. The examiner should first of all show the strengths and weaknesses of the trainee which will become the starting point for arranging the next training plan.

A single training unit may consist of 1, 2 or 3 elements. Training consisting of one element is specifically set to this element which means that only one of the following is performed:

M –monostructural metabolic conditioning or cardio

G – gymnastics, bodyweight exercises

W – weightlifting, powerlifting and Olympic lifts


Resting time is individually adjusted. No WOD (workout of the day) is required on such a day. At the end of the training, stretching or, possibly, stability core training is preferred.

When training consists of two elements then the priority is a task. The training structure consists of several series of exercises with moderate weight and difficulty. It is advised to exercise intensively. As the task is crucial, therefore, usually 3 to 5 rounds of a given set are performed at a certain time.

In cross-fit training, time is of great importance. Each training unit consisting of three elements is set for time. So it is best to compose WOD of a large number of repetitions or larger weights and execute it AMRAP, which is the largest number of rounds at a given time.

This is just a basis, there are far more requirements, like a special diet, concerning preparation for cross fit competition. If you are eager to push your cross fit section further,  I would consider this as a great option and potential. Check with your training staff the possibility to implement such an idea, see reports on PerfectGym management software concerning attendance at cross fit classes and any additional remarks towards them, count the investment in extra equipment needed etc. Lots to consider, still lots to win in terms of customers.

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