Why you should invest in food supplementation?

Supplementation is an indispensable element of sport today. Many fitness lovers and sportsmen – both professional and amateur- cannotimagine the situation where there is no minimal supplement support. According to many surveys ca. 86.5% of professional athletes and 81.9% of gym members declare enriching their daily diet with food supplements.

Why you should invest in food supplementation?

Supplementation is an indispensable element of sport today. Many fitness lovers and sportsmen – both professional and amateur- cannotimagine the situation where there is no minimal supplement support. According to many surveys ca. 86.5% of professional athletes and 81.9% of gym members declare enriching their daily diet with  food supplements. If we look across different types of activities and health clubs all of them offer some supplements which help to regenerate, rebuild glycogen stock and balance the hydration system.

What are food supplements?

To start with we should define what food supplements are and what we can expect from such kind of products. So supplements are food agents which are often added to daily menu in order to complement the diet. Often these areconfused with substitution one of nutrients. Supplements are mostly concentrated source of minerals, vitamins and other substances, which can give physiological effect or have nutritious characteristic. There are few worldwide known organizations that study, test, evaluate and categorize food supplements. Each of them issue a report with key findings and most accurate, recent and comprehended was done by Australian Institute of Sport (AIS).  Go ahead and check it if you are looking for real in-depth knowledge. Anyway, I find it crucial for every gym owner and manager to have basic know-how in this area.

Why people eat food supplements?

There are many reasons for which a typical gym member is reaching for extra supplementation. Typically people want to increase the effects of their workouts and speed up the positive changes. Those who train often and hard need extra help with regeneration and muscle restoration. There are groups who have long term goals such as: gain muscles and increase size, strength, loose fat etc, and there are groups who just need something occasionally in order to stimulate, energize or simply reduce hunger. For each of these causes there are plenty of possible food supplements to offer as this industry is rapidly growing and new products are popping up on the market.

Why you?

Offering variety of food supplements in your gym gives you many advantages. Knowing your members well –who are they, what they train, and their fitness goals, you can add to your offer supplements which support exactly their needs. Your PerfectGym management software makes it super easy to add any new sales position to your system. You will be able to track their sales and check what particular group of members purchase them. Another great opportunity is to send dedicated promotional offer to the specific group of members interested in such products –again through PerfectGym software and thanks to data stored there. Having in offer food supplements is also considered by many gym lovers as a sign of agood service. I often find myself hungry or feeling tired before gym and staff can always recommend something for me to quickly uplift me. Last but not least, food supplements are perfect products to be in some set offers, packages and are easy to upsell, so you should not miss this opportunity.

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