How to increase sales with a perfect landing page?
A landing page, also known as a lander or a lead capture page, is a single page that appears as a response to clicking on an ad or a particular section on a web page. In case of a fitness studio, we want to generate leads, simply speaking, to collect contact data from prospectus customers.
A landing page, also known as a lander or a lead capture page, is a single page that appears as a response to clicking on an ad or a particular section on a web page. In case of a fitness studio, we want to generate leads, simply speaking, to collect contact data from prospectus customers. Landing pages are thought to be very effective and successful tools and thanks to them we can measure the results of other campaigns easily for example the ones we carry on Facebook. By using a landing page we will know exactlyhow many potential new members were gained as a result of using Facebook, Google etc.
The question is now, why people should come to your landing page and give you their sensitive data? The best solution is to give away free entries for training to encourage new customers to visit our health club. We already know that new comers are not buying memberships through a web page, they only check the price offer there, see a group glass time schedule, look for a picture gallery etc. People don’t want any surprises or disappointments in this matter. Let them experience your place in the best sense of this word. If such a customer shows up in your club, has a good tour around the place or workout under a personal trainer eye and finishes the visit with a fruitful conversation with your sales person, there is a huge chance you have your new customer just right there.
So if we already have agreed that you will give away free day passes then there is a real reason to ask people to leave their contact data. What exactly should be on an ideal landing page to be most effective? Starting from the top – a clear and simple title, preferably with an instant call-to action like: receive a free pass. It is far much better and effective rather than stating only an emotionless free pass. A subtitle should also be straight forward and simple, a great addition to the title if you cannot put all the information into one sentence. Beneath there is a place for pointing out all benefits and extras our lead is about to receive. This might be not only free pass but also a professional body composition analysis, a guided tour around the fitness club, intro training with a personal trainer, setting workout goals and plan etc. Ideally, instead of bullet points, a great video would work best, but due to the cost and time issues, this is not necessary.
As this is a landing page there must a place for filling out the application form – this part of the page must be clearly marked and should stand out. I suggest to collect the least amount of data, as research shows the more information we ask for, there is a smaller responsiveness. Apart from the name, the telephone number and the e-mail address I would suggest to ask for choosing a training goal from drop down list. Why? This will help you to categorize your prospect customers on the spot and build targeted e-mail campaigns in your PerfectGym management software.
Another important element is the ‘Thank You’ page that should pop up automatically once the customer clicks the sign me in button. This page must inform how our future prospect is advised to confirm his/her e-mail addressclearly. Sounds trivial? We cannot afford to lose people, especially on this stage of the interest. We can help and indicate from what e-mail address and under what title our message will come from and that the spam folder should be checked as well. Once link in confirmation message is clicked the ‘Welcome’ page should appear on the screen. On this page we inform how and when we will contact the prospect in order to set the time and the date for a visit in the fitness club. I would not recommend to give away free passes without any set meetings as such a visitor will not take out much from it and you have smaller chances to influence his/her decision about buying a membership.