If you are one of those people who consider indoor cycling as a mundane, repetitive, mindless workout with head- banging music and flashy lights, I have to disappoint you in a way.

If you are one of those people who consider indoor cycling as a mundane, repetitive, mindless workout with head- banging music and flashy lights, I have to disappoint you in a way.
If you are one of those people who consider indoor cycling as a mundane, repetitive, mindless workout with head-banging music and flashy lights, I have to disappoint you in a way. There is a lot of technique and real knowledge about anatomy involved and you will be surprised how actually we can subdivide spinning group classes. This know-how is crucial for the trainer and you as the gym owner or manager, as after some point every class attendee will ask himself – what do I want from those classes? What more can I get from it? What do I want to achieve? This is why we have to start from scratch.
Indoor cycling training is a part of a cardio workout group, meaning that the effort we make is long-lasting and it is a part of the endurance effort group. The success in endurance training is determined by parameter VO2max, our oxygen capacity. The more energy we can produce with oxygen, the further our fatigue limit moves. However, if we use resistance or a driving technique that forces us to make a great deal of effort, energy production is beginning to correspond to anaerobic processes - resulting in the production of large amounts of lactic acid and hydrogen ions, which by interfering with the proper functioning of our muscles, cause pain and fatigue.
Knowing these few basic things in the field of exercise physiology, we can already determine four basic types of training:
In regards to the first one, oxygen endurance training should be of medium intensity, long equal lengths and above all a cadence, i.e. a leg-spin count per minute not less than 80. Such classes allow for effective fat burning directly during class, building our overall strength and this training does not require regeneration longer than 24 hours.
Strength training is an activity that is often chosen by gym customers. The things that are most often associated with this are the slow pace of pedalling, heavy load, clear musical pace, high motivation. Classes are designed to increase the strength of our muscles and are therefore very demanding in terms of correct driving technique. These classes can be a real struggle for complete beginners.
Work - break - work - break ... this is how in short interval training is presented, the one who has to build our anaerobic power. Extremely effective training turns up our metabolism greatly but is also demanding and often very difficult technically. Classes are characterized by a high level of motivation and commitment. High intensity makes people feel better. Such training eliminates stress while producing a lot of happiness hormones called endorphins. And what is worth mentioning, the same as above, workout pretty hard for newbies.
Mixed training is an activity that combines two or even three types of training so that different features of our endurance can be shaped. This training usually lasts longer than the standard 45-minute class and it is for people who regularly ride a bike.
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