How to make your boot camps a great success

3 essential tips on what needs to be taken into consideration while organizing boot camp for club members.

How to make your boot camps a great success

Boot camp is a great health club offer extension and if you already decided you want to make this next step then read this article carefully. I want to share with you some tips on how to make your boot camps unique so that you can really build something more upon them and of course, increase your revenues. I would like to cover information on how to find the best location, how to target potential customers and lastly,how to set a class schedule.

Spot the right spot

Many gym owners and managers believe outdoor boot camps are an easy way to avoid costly studio rentals. While that is true up to a point don’t even try to go into a deserted part of the city and ask your customers to meet you up there. By taking your clients to the park you won’t build long-lasting enthusiasm for your program. Think about those unhappy members struggling to workout on muddy grass, jumping between dog feces, unable to change after the workout or wash the hands. So putting it straight forward, all great training programs and innovative coaching in the world won’t move people out of beds to come to train with you as long as you do not take care of a suitable venue.So play your business cards right even if it costs you more money. Be sure to always check legal requirements for a chosen spot in order to avoid any embarrassing situation that might pop up during the training. Try to invest in some privacy. Those will be money well spentas your customers will appreciate the comfort and convenience.

Target your target

Start from something really easy and simple – check PerfectGym management tool customers statistics and pull information about gender, age, visit frequency, duration and time of the day. Then analyze it bit deeper thinking how you can group your customers according to the lifestyles they represent. Once you figure it out you will be more knowledgeable how to market your audience – younger customers with social media, less digital members with traditional communication channels. You will also want to know what time of the day might be more convenient for your targeted customers i.e.  early mornings for busy office people, middays for young moms etc.

Set the time right

This point was partially covered already above as the best time to run your classes depends on three main factors: your target market, where you live and where your clients will travel to take part in your camp. Organize your timetable around what your customers want not what you think and guess. Be available and approachable as well asgather your clients around the Facebook group or fan page and start a conversation. Remember that feedback is a gift and you often can build the whole business plan based on members feedback. No matter how busy you are do not let your clients to have a feeling  that you don’t have time for them. Make yourself open for communication outside of class time as this is when the most valuable comments appear.

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