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7 Survey Ideas to Improve Your Gyms’ Performance

For large fitness chains and franchises, gathering data from members is critical to enhancing operational efficiency, increasing member retention, and providing tailored services. A well-designed gym survey offers valuable insights, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that elevate your brand, boost member engagement, and maintain consistency across your global locations. However, crafting effective questionnaires can be a challenge – especially when catering to a diverse, worldwide clientele.

people doing plank together

This post highlights seven types of fitness surveys tailored for enterprise-level gyms, franchises, and fitness chains. By using them, you can better understand your members, address issues before they escalate, and optimise your business strategy.

1. New Member Surveys

Onboarding new members is more than just a registration process. It’s your opportunity to understand their goals, preferences and expectations. For global franchises, building a detailed demographic profile helps you adjust services to local preferences while maintaining a unified brand experience across regions. Use new member surveys to learn about their motivations for joining, fitness goals, and preferred training methods.

Key Questions:

  • How did you hear about us? (Friend, Social Media, Google Search, Advertisement, etc.)
  • What motivated you to join our gym?
  • What are your primary fitness goals? (Weight loss, muscle gain, general health, etc.)
  • What type of equipment or classes do you prefer?
  • Have you had a personal trainer before? Would you be interested in one at our gym?
  • How many times per week do you plan to visit the gym?
  • Do you prefer solo workouts or group sessions?
  • What type of workouts do you prefer? (Strength training, cardio, group classes, etc.)
  • Which of our facilities (e.g., pool, sauna, group classes) are you most excited to use?
  • What type of fitness content would you like to see in our app (e.g., tutorials, workout plans)?
  • Would you like to join any of our specialised programs (e.g., weight management, strength-building, wellness coaching)?

Pro Tip: Ensure the survey strikes a balance between closed and open-ended questions to collect both quantitative data and qualitative insights.

woman at the reception desk at the gym

2. General Member Feedback

Retention is key to the long-term success. Sending periodic general feedback surveys shows that you value your members’ opinions and are willing to make adjustments. This also helps you monitor the performance of different locations and pinpoint areas for improvement.

Key Questions:

  • How satisfied are you with our overall service? (Scale 1-10)
  • Are you satisfied with the cleanliness and upkeep of the gym?
  • How would you rate the availability and variety of gym equipment?
  • How often do you attend classes or use personal trainers?
  • Do you find our mobile app user-friendly? (If not, what improvements would you like?)
  • On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with the following?
  • What improvements would you like to see in our customer service?
  • Are our current opening hours convenient for your schedule?
  • How likely are you to recommend our gym to others? (Scale 1-10)
  • What additional services or facilities would enhance your experience?

Pro Tip: Always let members know how long the survey will take and how many questions there are to set expectations and reduce drop-off rates.

gym member review

3. Fitness Goal Surveys

Members often join gyms with specific goals in mind, whether it's weight loss, strength training, or general wellness. By tracking their progress through goal-based surveys, you not only foster a sense of accountability but also identify trends across your various locations. For franchises, this information can help guide your programming and marketing efforts, allowing you to create more personalised fitness plans.

Key Questions:

  • Which of the following best describes your goal? (Weight loss, strength gain, flexibility, etc.)
  • How long have you been pursuing these goals?
  • What motivates you to maintain your fitness routine?
  • Do you prefer structured workout plans or freestyle training?
  • How many days a week are you able to commit to working out?
  • What is the biggest obstacle you face in reaching your goals?
  • Have you worked with a personal trainer before? Did it help?
  • Are there any additional resources (e.g., nutrition coaching, recovery advice) that would support your fitness journey?

Pro Tip: Keep the tone supportive and understanding—fitness goals are personal, and members may feel vulnerable sharing their struggles.

4. Class and Instructor Evaluations

Your instructors are the face of your brand. Evaluating their performance through member feedback helps ensure high-quality, consistent experiences across all gyms. Encourage members to provide constructive feedback on instructors and classes, so you can identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Key Questions:

  • Which class did you attend and who was the instructor?
  • How would you rate the instructor’s enthusiasm and engagement?
  • Were the instructions clear and easy to follow?
  • Did the instructor provide alternative exercises for different fitness levels?
  • How well did the instructor create a supportive and inclusive atmosphere?
  • Were the class objectives communicated effectively?
  • How likely are you to attend another class with this instructor? (Scale 1-10)
  • Did the instructor offer any personalised feedback during the session?
  • What could the instructor improve to make the class more enjoyable for you?
  • Overall, how satisfied were you with the class experience? (Scale 1-10)

Pro Tip: Ensure evaluations are quick and simple, especially if you want feedback after each class. Short surveys with rating scales work best here.

gym members standing in a circle

5. Membership Cancellation Questionnaire

Understanding why members leave is crucial for reducing churn, especially across large fitness chains. Exit surveys help you uncover common reasons for cancellations, whether it's related to pricing, customer service, or facility issues. Use these insights to improve retention and enhance member satisfaction.

Key Questions:

  • What was the primary reason for cancelling your membership?
  • Did any factors outside your control contribute to your decision (e.g., relocation, injury)?
  • What could we have done to improve your experience?
  • How would you rate our customer service compared to other gyms?
  • What did you enjoy most about our gym?
  • What did you dislike most about our gym?
  • Is there anything that would have convinced you to stay?
  • Would you consider rejoining in the future?
  • Would you recommend us to a friend or family member?
  • Please provide any additional feedback that could help us improve.

Pro Tip: Timing is critical. Distribute the cancellation survey as soon as the member initiates their departure, ideally through an automated process that’s integrated into your gym’s management system.

6. Market Research Surveys

When expanding to new markets or launching new services, a comprehensive market research survey provides critical insights into member preferences, habits, and expectations. This is especially important for franchises looking to open new locations or introduce new fitness programmes. Customising these surveys based on geographic location ensures you meet local demand while maintaining brand consistency.

Key Questions:

  • When selecting a gym, what is your top priority? (Location, price, equipment, etc.)
  • How far are you willing to travel for a gym?
  • What time of day do you prefer to work out?
  • Which fitness trends interest you the most? (HIIT, CrossFit, yoga, etc.)
  • How much are you willing to spend monthly on gym membership?
  • Do you currently have a gym membership? If so, what could it do better?
  • How important is having a mobile app to manage your workouts or membership?
  • What additional services would you value most? (Nutrition coaching, personal training, etc.)
  • How important are community activities (e.g., group challenges, social events) in your decision-making process?
  • What is your preferred method of payment for fitness services?

Pro Tip: Start with questions that focus on their fitness needs and behaviour before moving into demographic details like age and income. This helps avoid any bias in their responses.

7. Quick Feedback Surveys

Not every survey has to be long. One-question surveys, like Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Effort Score (CES) or Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) offer quick insights into overall satisfaction or ease of use. These surveys are ideal for getting a pulse on member sentiment without overwhelming them with too many questions, ensuring you gather timely feedback across multiple locations.

Key Question Example:

  • NPS: On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend our gym to a friend?
  • CES: On a scale of 1-10, how easy was it to sign up for a class online?
  • CSAT: On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your most recent visit to our gym? 


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Survey Tools for Fitness Club Owners

Collecting feedback effectively requires the right tools, especially for larger fitness chains and franchises. Below are some of the most popular survey tools that make it easy to create, distribute, and analyse surveys across multiple locations and member groups.

1. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is a user-friendly platform with various templates and question types, making it easy to build detailed surveys. Its analytics dashboard helps you track responses, spot trends, and export data for further analysis.

  • Custom templates designed for fitness centres
  • Advanced analytics and reporting
  • Mobile-friendly surveys
  • Integration with CRM platforms
  • Automated email follow-ups for non-respondents

2. Typeform

Typeform offers a unique and engaging way to create surveys that feel more conversational. Its sleek interface ensures members stay engaged while answering questions, helping you gather more comprehensive feedback.

  • Interactive and visually appealing design
  • Logic jumps for personalised questions based on previous answers
  • Real-time analytics
  • Multiple integrations (e.g., Zapier, Slack)
  • Supports multimedia questions (images, videos)

3. Google Forms

Google Forms is a free and straightforward option, particularly useful if you're looking to collect feedback quickly and cost-effectively. Its integration with Google Sheets makes it easy to analyse data.

  • Free with any Google account
  • Real-time data collection and sharing
  • Customizable themes and branding options
  • Conditional logic for personalised questions
  • Integration with other Google Workspace tools (Docs, Sheets)

4. Survicate

Survicate is a versatile survey tool designed to help businesses gather actionable feedback from various touchpoints, including your website, email campaigns, and in-app surveys. It's particularly useful for integrating with other platforms to streamline the feedback process.

  • Customisable survey triggers for different stages of the member journey
  • In-depth analytics and reporting with visual dashboards
  • Integration with CRM, email marketing, and customer support tools
  • Multi-channel feedback collection (website, email, mobile apps)
  • Real-time feedback analysis with automated alerts

Pro Tip: Choose a survey tool that integrates well with your existing CRM or member management system. This way, you can automate the survey process and gather feedback at key moments, such as after a member joins, attends a class, or cancels their membership.

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For gyms, member feedback is a powerful tool that can shape the future of your business. By leveraging these seven types of surveys, you’ll gather critical data to enhance member experiences, streamline operations, and grow your brand globally. Keep surveys clear, concise, and relevant to ensure maximum participation and actionable insights. With the right approach, you can transform feedback into a competitive advantage, no matter where your gyms are located.


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